

Global Solar Energy Corporation delivers the first laminated solar panels to the Solar Go-Kart Competition

We are very grateful to Global Solar Energy Corporation for their invaluable contribution to the Solar Go-Kart Competition sponsored by the Office of University Research Parks of the University of Arizona

Wiring diagram for Electra Inc. electric scooters

The following wiring diagram may be useful, as an example, in discussing possible electric wiring arrangements with Students participating in the SGK Competition

Assembly of a 60 cell photovoltaic panel from Global Solar Energy Corporation solar cells

The Pueblo HS Students have finished assembling and testing a 60 cell panel, and measured:
Voc ~ 35.24 V, Isc ~ 3.41 A, with a horizontal panel, at 1:28 PM with sunny conditions. 

Many thanks to Global Solar Energy Corporation for their generous support

SOLquick commercial rooftop solution at Biosphere 2

SOLON Corporation, one of the largest providers of turnkey solar power plants in the US, announced January 10 the installation of a 10 kilowatt (kW) pilot project of the SOLquick commercial rooftop solution at Biosphere 2, a unique ecological research and teaching facility located north of Tucson.